The Instagram Story Backdrop feature is AMAZING!

Let’s look at how it works and some fun ideas for your account.

What is the Instagram Story Backdrop feature?

Basically, all you have to do is take a photo of something, someone or a product.

The Backdrop feature will remove the background.

Then you can create any background you want.

instagram story backdrop

How to use the Instagram Story Backdrop feature

Add a photo in your Story.

There are 2 ways to add a backdrop:

  1. Tap on the “Backdrop” button on top of your screen, or
  2. Tap on the “Stickers” button and select the “Backdrop sticker
instagram story backdrop
instagram story backdrop

Instagram will automatically select an object or person in your photo (you can change it if you want, you’ll see):

instagram story backdrop

If you’re not happy with what it has selected, just tap on “Edit Subject“. You can manually select what you want your subject to be:

instagram story backdrop

Then, choose a random background at the bottom of your screen, or…

instagram story backdrop

Or, type in the search bar exactly what you want your background to be. You can write something very short and simple, or very, very descriptive:

instagram story backdrop

The image will appear on your screen:

instagram story backdrop

If you want even more options, tap on the arrow (bottom left corner of your screen). It will generate more options for you:

instagram story backdrop

Once you’re happy with the design, press “Next“:

instagram story backdrop

You will see a “Try it” Sticker will automatically appear on your design. Instagram does it so that once you post, other people can join your design and generate their own image with your prompt:

instagram story backdrop

If you don’t want the Sticker to appear, just hold your finger on it and drag it down in the bin:

instagram story backdrop

That’s it!

Fun Backdrop ideas

Here are some fun ideas.

Idea #1. New world

First obvious idea: Place your subject in a new world.

For example, you can imagine an underwater world that has elements of the world on land: “underwater with pink tulips and yellow butterflies flying”.

instagram story backdrop

Idea #2. Where you’d rather be

Take a photo of yourself and type exactly where you’d rather be.

Like “on the beach in the Maldives”:

instagram story backdrop

Idea #3. Pattern

I usually write something like: “Repeated _ pattern on a _ background“.

For example: “Repeated pastel pink hearts pattern on a yellow background”.

instagram story backdrop

Idea #4. Picture frame

Write “picture frame” in the search bar.

You can be specific and write what you want inside the picture frame, surrounding your subject, or how you want your picture frame to look like (“minimalist picture frame”, “crafty picture frame”, “picture frame with flowers”, “wooden picture frame”, etc…)

instagram story backdrop

Idea #5. Related to a taste or smell

Great if you want to post about food, a drink or a smell.

Make the key ingredient or smell the star of the backdrop (like caramel, vanilla, strawberries, flowers, etc…).

For example, I wrote “caramel” and got this background:

instagram story backdrop

Idea #6. Related to a color

If you’re into a specific color, or launching a product that has a color theme: Use the color as a background. Like “yellow petals background”:

instagram story backdrop

Idea #7. Gradient

Create a color background for your image.

It can be a solid color, or a gradient (pink gradient, rainbow gradient, earthy colors gradient, etc…)

instagram story backdrop

Idea #8. New creatures

Surround your subject with new creatures. Like “a white bear with wings”:

instagram story backdrop

Idea #9. Recreate a dream you had last night

Ever had a dream you wish you could show people? Sometimes words don’t do a dream any justice, and you wish you could just draw it so you can show it to a friend?

Just write exactly what your dream looked like. AI can come very, very close to what you describe.

instagram story backdrop

Idea #10. Create a movie or cartoon featuring yourself, friends, dog or cat

You can create a whole story, in any country in the world (or an imaginary world), in any house or time period you can think of.

For example, I could make a story about:

  • A “dancer in the street of Paris”, or
  • Being in Jurassic Park
  • Living in the Avatar world with the Na’vi tribe
  • Being on the Titanic and living a love story

Then I can take more photos of myself or other people in different poses, and add more Paris backdrops as I go.

Within a few minutes, you’ll have a full story of a dancer in Paris.

instagram story backdrop
instagram story backdrop

Idea #11. Dreamy

AI features allow us to be as creative as we want to. You can dream.

Some dreamy keywords you can use to create dreamy backdrops:

  • Bubbles everywhere
  • On cloud nine
  • Match made in heaven
  • Stars
  • Billions of butterflies
  • Dream life
  • Fairy magic
instagram story backdrop

BONUS: Plan unlimited posts with Preview

You can save your Stories to your camera roll, and upload it in Preview App.

From there you can:

  • Plan your posts & Stories
  • Schedule and auto-post
  • Find hashtags & SEO keywords
  • Find caption ideas
  • Check your insights
  • See other people’s Instagram Analytics
  • And more
instagram story backdrop

That’s it!

Have fun playing with this new feature.

Tag us on Instagram if you try it out! We’d love to see what you create!

If you want to see more Instagram tips and tricks: Click here.