Everything you need
in one simple app



Drag & Drop

Rearrange your posts to design your feed

Unlimited Posts

Upload as many posts as you need for free



Plan your feed days, weeks, and months in advance


Upload as many photos as you want


Upload as many videos as you want


Create a post with multiple photos and videos in one


Story Planner

Schedule your Instagram Stories, with Swipe-up links.


Reels + IGTV

Plan Reels and IGTVs and preview them in your main grid.

Video thumbnails

Change and test your video covers before posting.


Regram peopleโ€™s photos, videos and albums

Free Photos + Videos

Millions of copyright free photos for your feed, video covers and Stories

Calendar view

See your scheduled calendar by day, week and month



Set to automatically post on Instagram.

Tag people

Tag people on your post in advance.

Tag location

Tag the location on your post in advance.

Editing Tools


Themed filter packs

Filter packs to create specific Instagram themes



+70 professional filters


Full Editing Tools

The essentials editing tools at your fingertips


Image Splitter

Split a big image into smaller pieces to create a seamless grid

Hashtag Tools


Hashtag Finder

Search for hashtags by category, country and Instagram community.


Hashtag Grouping

Save your favorite hashtags into groups and add them to your caption when you need them.

Hashtag Analytics

Preview automatically tests your hashtags. See which ones give you the most growth.

Hashtag Tester

Test your hashtag groups and see which one gives you the most likes, comments and engagement.

Hashtag Communities

The Hashtag Finder is filled with hashtags made to join specific Instagram communities.

Get featured

The Hashtag Finder comes with branded hashtags to help you get featured on big accounts.



Best time and day

See your personal best time and day to post.

Photos, videos, albums

See the analytics for your photos, videos and albums.

Day, week, month

See your Analytics by day, week and month.

Engagement rates

See your engagement rates growth for photos, videos and albums.

Top Posts

See your top posts for each day, week and month.

Hashtags Analytics

See which hashtag gives you more likes, comments and engagement.

Hashtag Groups Testing

Test your hashtag groups to accelerate your growth.

Likes, comments, engagement analytics

Track your analytics by likes, comments and engagement.

Interactive charts

See deeper Instagram analytics by pressing on our interactive charts


Plan together

Plan your feed together, at the same time.

Give permissions

Choose what you want your team to do or not to do on your Preview feed.


Protect your password

Don’t want to share your Instagram password? No problem. Invite people as team members.

Want to plan your posts now?