Want to know how to get new Instagram features on your account, in 2022?

There are a few reasons why you might not have the new Instagram features on your account yet.

There are 6 tricks you can try to get the new Instagram features.

Here is what you can do:

1. Check if you have the latest Instagram version

You might have to update your Instagram app manually.

Go on your App Store or Google Play Store and check if you have the latest Instagram update installed on your phone.

I usually get some new features only when I update the app manually.

2. Log out of your Instagram account and log back in

Sometimes logging out of your Instagram account and logging back in works. It’s like you are restarting your Instagram.

If your Reels feature disappeared, this trick seems to be working for a lot of people.

3. Reinstall your Instagram app

If this still doesn’t work, try this: delete the entire Instagram app and install it again.

4. Ask your friends this question

Instagram doesn’t always roll out new features to everyone, all at once.

Sometimes, they roll it out only to some countries first.

So ask your friends (in your city / country) if they have the feature you’re missing.

If they don’t have it, then you will all have to wait. Instagram probably hasn’t released this new feature in your country yet.

If they have the new feature, but you don’t, go to Step 6.

5. Contact Instagram like this

If it has been weeks (or even months) since you’ve been waiting for the new features, contact Instagram.

Someone told us that she didn’t have the Highlight feature MONTHS after everyone had it. So she contacted Instagram and explained that she was missing this feature. A couple of days later, the Highlights appeared on her account.

To contact Instagram:

  • Go in your Instagram settings (on the Instagram app)
  • Select “Help”
  • Select “Report a problem”

I know how annoyed you must feel, but be nice in your message 🙂 They are probably receiving so many emails every day. I’m sure a nice email would make someone’s day (there are people behind computers). Remember: they’re trying to help you.

6. Be patient (check these 3 scenarios)

If all the above tricks didn’t work, then you have to wait.

How long?

It depends.

Usually, there are 3 scenarios.

Scenario #1. A new worldwide feature

If it is a new feature they have decided to roll out to everyone around the world: it usually takes about a week or two for everyone to get it.

Scenario #2. A new feature being tested

If it is a feature they are testing only on some accounts, or in specific countries: We have to wait until they finish their test.

Unfortunately, they don’t say how long the test is.

Based on past features, sometimes it takes a couple of months (2-4 months). Sometimes, it takes a year (like the Reels feature on some accounts only for example).

Scenario #3. One of your accounts has the new feature, and the other account doesn’t

It’s also possible that one of your accounts already has the new feature while another one of your accounts might not have it yet. Which seems weird. Shouldn’t you have the same feature on both of your accounts? Well, it looks like Instagram might be viewing your accounts as separate accounts (even though you are the owner of both).

It happened to us: one of our accounts had a new feature before the other one. A few weeks later, the other accounts got the new feature too.

Moral of the story: be patient.

Keep an eye on your Instagram update. You might get it soon.

That’s it!

Did any of the tricks work for you?

If you know any other tricks to get new features, please share with us in the comments below so we can help each other.

And if you are new around here, welcome!

Feel free to check out the rest of our blog (it’s all about Instagram).

Have fun!